Sunday, September 9, 2012


While I'm waiting for Jonny and a friend to come back for one last load of stuff I just wanted to scratch off a last quick note from our house here on Iona Drive.  We are excited to move.  We're ready to "nest" a bit in the place we will spend the next 3 -ish years.  Even if it has coral colored walls, lots of stairs and has a bit of a weird smell.  I just keep thinking - a grassy backyard area, a dishwasher and 4 bedrooms (one being a guest room!!!) and a eating space not over carpet.  :)

This place we are leaving was an answer to prayer - as is the place we are moving to.  Neither are palaces but both are definiately sufficient and appreciated.

God is good.

See you next time from Acadia Park!

1 comment:

  1. I've made a decision tonight, we need to live in the same city at some point. So when you're done with Vancouver let's find a nice, slightly cheaper city that needs buses and theologians and set up shop.
