Monday, June 18, 2012

The Next New Chapter

Welcome to the Vancouver Chapter for the Aicken's 5! We've been here 4 days and I have a whole load of stories to tell. It's going to be great! I've been thinking lately of how, looking back, life seems to take on a chapters-like appearance. Since marrying Jonny 8 years (almost 9.... what?!) ago we've had:

Chapter 1 ~ Living in an old folks home finishing our undergrads in Calgary chapter c

Chapter 2 ~ Wetaskiwin basement apartment working the afternoon shift together to pay off loans chapter

Chapter 3 ~ the WMPL and Mongolia adventure ~ to the ends of the earth and beyond

Chapter 4 ~ there and back again ~ Camrose, WMPL, CLBI, babies..... oh my! and now .....

Chapter 5 ~ Off to Vancouver to live next to the ocean on the pristine UBC Campus while hubs goes back to school while raising 3 kids in 875 square feet with no money, lots of love and an enormous (although often wavering) amount of faith, and hope and trust that this is the next step our Great God has for us.

Let the fun begin.....


  1. I am so, SO happy about this blog. Chapter 4 was my favourite, although I wish it had been a longer chapter. But I like that you called it 'There and Back Again'. I'm hoping that's a little foreshadowing. Missing you tons and anxiously awaiting your next post!

  2. Marina! I'm so excited that you have a blog, and that I can hear about all the things that you guys are going to experience! We all miss you so much, and I'm praying for this next transition for you!

  3. Yeah! This new blog has me so excited! I need to measure the square footage of our new digs now. I'll be praying for you guys too- it's nice to be on the outside of someone else's new adventure and to see it brimming with hope and newness. I really am so excited for you guys. AND- you get the Ode's and the Freddy Friedrich Fam. Love to you all
