Thursday, July 5, 2012

Just a Typical Family Picnic Around Here

Today we become those parents.

You know, those kind of parents.

You know, the kind of parents who take their kids to a nude beach for a supper picnic.

It turns out the path down the stairs and the small forest path near it all lead to the same place - and that place is all naked.

Ok, it wasn't that bad.  We walked down the 300 stairs through a beautiful forest - the kids got to see their first BC slug - and then we came to the end of the trail and Amy said,  "Mom, I spy with my little eye .... a boat."  But my little eye spyed something much different that a boat.  A man in his, maybe 60's?, sauntered by and well ... it wasn't his boat that was showing. 

Then another to the left standing on a rocky out cropping.

Oh my.

But, by the time Jonny and Ben came along down the stair there were no more nude sightings so we settled in for a nice picnic.  Other un-nudey people came down the path to enjoy the view too.  Ahem, the view of the ocean, of course. We actually didn't see any more naked bums other than the two shockers at first.

It is a beautiful beach.  And we can walk there from our house.

It was paradise for Ben.  It's all rocks and he seriously threw rocks into the ocean from the time we got there until we left.

If you come visit us we promise that a trip down the stairs to take in the wonders (of all kinds, apparently) will be on the to-do list.


  1. I didn't know there was a type of parent who took their kids to a nude beach, that's a new classification for me.

  2. haha, This was hilarious! I had a feeling that would happen to you guys, but I'm glad that it was only at the very beginning, and that you could enjoy a nice picnic!
