Sunday, July 15, 2012

Polish chocolate

Just needed to let you all know that although my blogging has been non existent lately I do have a few future posts stewing in my brain. I had a bummer of a summer cold this week and life is just full. I'm sure many of you can relate. By the time evening and quiet rolls around the idea of exerting energy to blog is just too much.

But just so I don't forget the ideas stewing may be posted under the following titles:

- the lean years
- provision in disguise
- let them eat bread

So please stay tuned.

Ok, oe funny story about something that happened while I nurse Owen before sweet sleep time.

There is an old Russian physicist, Nikolai, who is living 2 floors above us for the summer. He says hi and smiles at the kids. Russian accents are so fun. Jonny helped him carry a tv up to his flat and he consequently a few evening later invited him up for some vodka. He's lonely here. So over vodka shooters in a mug, caviar on bread, pickles and fruit jonny got to hear about Russia, physics and what have you. Sweet guy. Lonely.

So, just tonight, I was muttering under my breathe as I tried to wrestle a very squirmy 7 month old into his pjs, ' I would give my left arm for some chocolate...mutter mutter mutter...'

Then out the window I spot nikolai toss something onto our patio table and stealthily walk away.

It was polish chocolate!!!

Perfect timing and it looks liked he's become a friend.

He just must never discover how dumb I am at physics. Ratio over time plus distance to electro magnet.....what?

To learn more about how brilliant old nikolai is check out jonnys Facebook page for a link concerning his accomplishments.

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